Benefits and Supports

Ryobi Group Benefits

The Ryobi Group has its own beliefs that support health, ability, and motivation to achieve employee happiness.

Even if you are excellent at your job, if you’re sick, your performance will suffer and you will not be happy.

We believe that happiness can be achieved by each employee if they take care of their health, performance, and motivation, plus they need to have dreams for the future. We will support employees who continue to strive to improve their health, performance, and motivation to achieve their happiness.


Health Support

Health guidance by Ryobi Health Center

Ryobi Health School advises on exercise and eating habits

Health checkup (For employees over 35 years old, we should conduct annual health screening for lifestyle diseases.)

Support to help employee stop smoking

Various sporting activities (bowling tournament, golf tournament, and walking campaign, etc.)

Subsidies and discounts for the use of various contract facilities (fitness club, spa, etc.)


Performance Support

Performance improvement training by the education department within the Ryobi Group

support for qualification

Educational Support System


Motivation Support

“Self-reporting system” that gives a wide range of challenges

Bring out the potential skills of female employees “KiraRi ☆”

“Proposal system” that allows you to put ideas into shape regardless of your job title or experiences

Supports for childbirth, childcare, and nursing


Ryobi Happy Life project

“Happy Life Project” is a general term for welfare services provided so that Ryobi Group employees and their families can lead happy lives.

Support to work-life balance for childcare and nursing

Ryobi Group Career Life Support Office

The Company Savings Plan

Initiatives on health management and improvement

Variety of facilities available (fitness club, spa, hotels, etc.)

Ryobi Group Benefits (Japanese only)

Work-Life Balance

The support system is important because Ryobi is focusing on creating an environment where employees can work comfortably.

Various systems are available to promote different types of work-life.

We also provide training to create a comfortable working environment.

Because the entire workplace is an environment where you can work as a team, you can work in a way that allows you to spend more time with your family.


Ryobi group work-life balance (Japanese only)


Commitment to diversity

We will work hard to create a bright future for the region where we are active. 

The mission of the Ryobi Group, which has been in business for over 100 years, is to contribute to the development of local communities through community development based on the spirit of our management philosophy of “Chujo = Wholehearted Consideration.”

While embracing this straightforward and sincere feeling, we are beginning to move into the future 100 years from now.

We will work on diversity management to become an innovative group in which cats and robots can play an active role, as well as human resources with diverse values, expertise, and experience.

Ryobi Transport Company has a track record of efforts guided by the policies of the Ryobi Group.

Going forward, we will continue to promote a wide variety of work styles by career advancement through a fulfilling education system and by having employees work together as a team regardless of position or experience.


Ryobi Group Diversity Initiatives (Japanese only)

Action Plan with the Enactment of the Act on Promotion of Women’s Advancement (Japanese only)

Action Plan with the Enactment of the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children(Japanese only)